scenario 1: All resource permissions were set to none for the admin role
Step 1: Get current admin role details
Step 1: Load your user information
Step 1: Get current admin role details
SELECT * FROM admin_role WHERE role_name = 'Administrators' /*Administrators - is Your admin role name*/Step 2: Remove Existing permissions for the Admin role
/*clean all permission rules*/ DELETE admin_rule FROM admin_rule, admin_role WHERE admin_role.role_name = 'Administrators' /* Your admin role name*/ AND admin_rule.role_id = admin_role.role_idStep 3: Update Permission rule for the admin role
INSERT INTO admin_rule (role_id, resource_id, assert_id, role_type, permission) VALUES ('1','all', '0', 'G', 'allow')scenario 2: Admin was assignd to a wron role
Step 1: Load your user information
SELECT ar.*, au.* FROM admin_user AS au INNER JOIN admin_role AS ar ON (au.user_id = ar.user_id) WHERE au.username = 'username'Step 2: Load Role information
SELECT * FROM admin_role WHERE role_type = 'G'Step 3:Update your user for the proper role
UPDATE admin_role SET parent_id = [put selected role_id here] WHERE user_id = [your USER id]